Sunday, April 24, 2011

5 Tips to Becoming a Better Driver

5 Tips to Becoming a Better Driver
by: Tony Giannini
Grade A Driving Academy

Lets admit it, people are in a hurry anymore. You see it every time you get behind the wheel especially. Have you ever experienced road rage? Or witnessed someone just go crazy over something that happens on the road? Why do we as a society get so short fused when we do not agree on another driving methods? In this article I will discuss the top ten rules on how to get the “Zen” out of driving.

1. Last week on my way to work, the car in front of me blocked an exit from a shopping plaza. I am sure you have been there. It is not deliberate I am sure, but nonetheless you still do not look over at the other driver out of embarrassment. Then there it is, hand flying up, god knows what is coming out of her mouth, inching out almost to say I will push my way in. So number one on th list is to be courteous to other drivers. If you see someone waiting to pull into traffic, let them in. Make sure if someone does the same for you, acknowledge it by a simple wave, a gesture that takes no energy on your part, but makes the other driver feel appreciated.

2. Lately, I have been in the Zen zone! For those of you that do not know what Zen is, let me enlighten you. When your hungry, eat. When your tired, sleep. When you have to go to the bathroom , well you know. Living in the moment in everything you do. When driving a vehicle, drive the vehicle. Get rid of the distractions, focus on everything around you and at the same time have a clear mind. Turn off the phone, focus only on the task at hand. Number two on the list is learning to practice relaxing your body when behind the wheel instead of being tense and stressed due to traffic conditions, problems at home or work. Take your time. Enjoy the ride. Enjoy sitting in traffic. Find the good in everything around you. Your behind the wheel and it can help you to experience so many things and places in life. Live in that moment behind the wheel, no distractions, only what is happening right now. Smile and know your safety comes first and know you will do anything to preserve that.

3. Now a days I get a lot of pleasure out of taking my time when driving, not rushing, being a courteous driver and appreciating the fact that the road can take me wherever I want to go. That should be respected. Respect the road respect yourself. What's the rush? Slow down, do the speed limit and abide by the rules of the road. Taking your time comes in at number 3 on our list of finding Zen while driving.

4. Knowledge can bring with it great confidence in just about anything you have interest in. Far to many people are not really educated on the proper rules of the road. We took drivers ed when we were kids, we studied and passed the test, and thats about the extent of it. Could most people pass the test today? My guess is probably not. Educate yourself on road safety and driving instruction. Find tips and advice from articles such as the one your reading now to help broaden your horizon.

5. Taking care of your vehicle comes in at number 5. Make sure to keep your vehicle in good running condition. Change your oil when it's due. I know people who let their car go thousands of miles over the oil change date. It literally takes 10 minutes to pull through an oil changing station and most of the time you don't even have to get out of your car. You should also take the same approach with your own body. It's like a vehicle, you put junk into it, thats how it's going to run, like junk. Take care of your car, take care of yourself, and enjoy the privilege of driving.

Tony Giannini

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